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WOD 06172023

A. Dynamic Stretches

B. “Meat Sweats”

(Teams of 6)

(5 rounds for time)

30 synchronized front squats 115/165lb (any 2) (switch every 5)

60 synchronized burpee over bar (any 2) (switch every 10)

Team 300m run

C. Static stretches

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A. Dynamic Stretches B. “Who Run It” (Teams of 6) (For time) 27-21-15-9-9-15-21-27 Synchronized deadlifts (2 people) Synchronized bar facing burpees (2 people) (3) synchronized shuttle runs (50’) (2 p

WOD 07262024

A. Dynamic Stretches B. (4 rounds) 8 goblet squats 12 banded pull apart C. (10 rounds for time) 3 strict deficit handstand push up 5.5/3.5” 6 front squats 205/145lb (from rack) 9 unbroken toes to bar

WOD 07252024

A. Dynamic Stretches B. (10 minute cap) 4 sets: 2 turkish get ups (Pick load for strength) C. (20 minute clock) Minute 1: 18/12 cal row level 10 Minute 2: 16 dbell alternating snatches Minute 3: 14/10

CrossFit Max Level


506 E. Division St. Suite 100 Arlington, TX 76011

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