A. Dynamic Stretches
B. “Down & Back”
(Teams of 4)
Buy in:
1 mile run (person 1 & 2)
1,500m row (person 3 & 4)
(switch every 20 pulls)
(Run & row are at the same worked at the same time)
(For time)
(10 rounds)
20 hang power cleans 115/165lb (person 3 & 4)
Bumper hold 35/45 (person 1 & 2)
(Partner doubles switch every round)
(10 rounds)
10 synchronized burpee over bar (person 3 & 4)
Bumper hold 35/45 (person 1 & 2)
(Partner doubles switch every round)
Cash out:
1 mile run (person 3 & 4)
1,500m row (person 1 & 2)
(switch every 20 pulls)
(Run & row are at the same worked at the same time)
C. Static stretches