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Writer's pictureWorkout of the Day

11/2/2020 WOD


Dynamic Stretches


2 Rounds

150 single leg alternating bear plank shoulder taps 

(1st round: left leg; 2nd round: right leg)


For Time

21-15-9 each side

D-bell single arm sumo deadlift high pull (70/100 RX)

100m med ball run 

D-bell single arm sumo deadlift high pull 

100m med ball run


3 Rounds for Quality

25 hollow leg raises 

Rest as much as needed between rounds


Static Stretches


D-bell use only


Dynamic Stretches


2 Rounds

150 single leg alternating bear plank shoulder taps 

(1st round: left leg; 2nd round: right leg)


For Time

21-15-9 each side

D-bell single arm sumo deadlift high pull

30 second run or 50 jumping jacks 

D-bell single arm sumo deadlift high pull 

30 second run or 50 jumping jacks


3 Rounds for Quality

25 hollow leg raises 

Rest as much as needed between rounds


Static Stretches


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