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Writer's pictureWorkout of the Day

10/16/2020 WOD


Dynamic Stretches


For Quality

250’ duck walk 

500’ bunny hop

(Switch movements each minute until finished with both movements)


16 Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)

150m run 

5 hand release push ups 

150m run 

10 hand release push ups

150m run 

15 hand release push ups

(Continue to increase HRPU by 5 until 16 minutes)


5 Rounds for Quality

10/10 single arm d-bell bent row with 3 second negative each rep


Static Stretches


D-bell use only


Dynamic Stretches


For Quality

250’ duck walk 

500’ bunny hop

(Switch movements each minute until finished with both movements)


16 Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)

45 second run 

5 hand release push ups 

45 second run 

10 hand release push ups

45 second run 

15 hand release push ups

(Continue to increase HRPU by 5 until 16 minutes)


5 Rounds for Quality

10/10 single arm d-bell bent row with 3 second negative each rep


Static Stretches


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