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Writer's pictureWorkout of the Day

08/18/2020 WOD


Dynamic Stretches


6 Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)

50m run with wall ball

10 wall ball overhead jumping lunges


5 Rounds for Time

6 ground to overhead (110/155 RX)

6 muscle ups 

Rest 3 min

5 Rounds for Time

3 ground to overhead 

3 muscle ups


Static Stretches


D-bell use only


Dynamic Stretches


6 Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)

50m run with light d-bell

10 light d-bell overhead jumping lunges

(1 d-bell)


5 Rounds for Time

6 d-bell ground to overhead

6 d-bell bent over rows 

6 box dips 

(D-bell in each hand)  

Rest 3 min

5 Rounds for Time

3 d-bell ground to overhead 

3 d-bell bent over rows 

3 box dips   


Static Stretches




Dynamic Stretches


6 Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)

50m run with backpack

10 backpack overhead jumping lunges


5 Rounds for Time

6 backpack ground to overhead

6 backpack bent over rows 

6 box dips 

Rest 3 min

5 Rounds for Time

3 backpack ground to overhead 

3 backpack bent over rows 

3 box dips


Static Stretches

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