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WOD 5/12/2022

A. Dynamic Stretches

B. (For Strength/ Technique)

8 sets of (4 Dbell deadlifts + 4 Dbell power clean + 4 Dbell push press)

(Dbell each hand on both movements)

C. (For time)

75 pike push-ups or Dbell shoulder press

*at the top of every 2 minutes: 30 second run with weight

D. (For time)

150 light Dbell overhead sit ups

E. Static stretches

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A. Dynamic Stretches B. (For time) 15 pike push ups 50 dbell bent over rows 100 hop overs 300m run 15 pike push ups 40 dbell bent over rows 100 hop overs 300m run 15 pike push ups 30 dbell bent over r

WOD 05072024

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