A. Dynamic Stretches
B. "12 Days of Christmas" with Partner
(For time)
1 clean & jerk each person 155/225lb
2 ring muscle ups (split any way)
3 synchronized burpees
4 box jumps each person
5 deadlifts each 155/225lb (switch every rep)
6 synchronized toes to bar
7 synchronized goblet squat 60/85lb
8 synchronized dbell hang snatches 60/85lb
9 synchronized push ups
10 bar muscle ups (split any way)
11 wall balls 14/20lb (split any way)
12 shuttle runs (50’) (split any way)
(Workouts flows as the “12 Days of Christmas” Song plays; 1, 2-1, 3-2-1, 4-3-2-1, 5-4-3-2-1)
C. Static stretches