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WOD 03032023

A. Dynamic Stretches

B. (In a 6 minute time cap, complete as many reps as possible of)

10 caterpillars

50 double unders or seal jacks

15 Dbell snatches

10 caterpillars

50 double unders or seal jacks

12 Dbell snatches

If completed before 6:00, add 3 minutes and continue:

20 pike push ups

50 double unders or seal jacks

9 Dbell snatches

If completed before 9:00, add 3 minutes, then:

20 pike push ups

50 double unders or seal jacks

6 Dbell snatches

(Time cap: 12 minutes)

C. Walk/ run 2 miles

D. Static stretches

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